Dynamar – Since 1981

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For the Marine, Energy and Financial sectors

Information and Consultancy

Business Information Reports

Our database comprises reports on some 25,000 companies active in the shipping industry.


High quality liner and other shipping publications made by our highly experienced analysts.


Consultancy services geared to the needs and requirements of the maritime industry.

Vessel Tracking

Vessel Tracking provides a pro-active vessel tracking service making use of numerous available sources.

Marine Investigation

Dynamar offers professional, discrete, creative and fast Marine Investigation services.


Stay connected to the current situation and ongoing developments in the global shipping industry through our unique weekly DynaLiners

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Since 1981

A world leading provider of business information reports

Our database is constantly updated and every week a summary of the recently written Business Information Reports is sent by email. If you would like to receive the weekly email for our newly updated reports or to sign up for our free DynaLiners trial, please fill out this form.

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Stay up to date

The time has come! Dynamar is pleased to announce that we have launched our new website and webshop. We wanted to make the new website faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly. The new website has been created with our visitors, both new and existing in mind and the site has been designed to provide our clients and visitors with an updated and streamlined order process, an improved visual experience and to give better access to who we are, how we work, our recent work, expertise and services.

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Dynamar, Your trusted source since 1981

Today, Dynamar is one of the world’s leading providers of Business Information Reports focussed on the shipping and transportation industry and a major provider of analytical container shipping news and commentary.

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Contact us

Need independent expertise?

Dynamar is gladly available to assist you in your next business decision today! Call us on +31 72 514 7400, send us an email at info@dynamar.com or fill in the contact form below.


Contact Our Team

Please feel free to contact us via e-mail and we will get back to you within 1-2 business days or you can call our office now.

Phone: +31 72 514 7400
Email: info@dynamar.com

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