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Dynamar has just completed its latest off-the-shelf consultancy level study. Building upon earlier editions published biennially since 2011, we are happy to present:

The East & Southern Africa Container Trades 2021

This is a trade with contrasts, incorporating, as it does, Southern Africa, East Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands. For many years, Southern Africa has been the dominant aspect of this composite region. However, slowly but surely, the centre of gravity is moving towards East Africa whose GDP and trading activities are growing more strongly. For example, Southern Africa now only provides fifty-three of all regional GDP; in 2011, that share was seventy percent.

These trends have also filtered down to shipping. East Africa, dominated by the major gateways of Mombasa and Dar Es Salaam, now accounts for nearly a quarter of all regional port throughput having been well below twenty percent in the past. Southern Africa, in contrast, has seen its share drop from two thirds to barely sixty percent in the space of five years, and containerised volume growth to and from East Africa is consistently higher than for Southern Africa.

For further information, follow: East & Southern Africa Container Trades 2021 » Dynamar B.V. Maritime Reports (


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